Selection preferences for applicants will be applied in the following order:
- Siblings living within the school’s attendance boundary
- Students living within the school’s attendance boundary
- Siblings living within Los Angeles Unified boundaries
- Students residing within Los Angeles Unified boundaries
- Siblings requiring an Inter-District Permit
- Students requiring an Inter-District Permit
Dual Language Education Programs Information
If a school site has more qualified applications than space available, the offer of seats to the program to students shall be based on
priority order. There are no priority points for Dual Language Education programs. If the number of applicants exceeds the number of
openings in a designated grade level, the student will then be placed on a waiting list.
With the timely application, the student can apply to up to three different DLE programs. The on-time application may be for one, and
the second and third choices are optional.
- If the application for the first choice does not have space availability, the application is considered for the second choice and/or
third choice
- If offered admission, the applicant is not placed on the waiting list for other choices.
- The applicant will be placed on a waiting list for their first choice only if no seat is offered for any of their choices.
- The student will remain on the waiting list regardless of whether they accept or decline another program offer.
- The school(s) will notify the parents of students on the waiting list if a seat becomes available. There is no need for any other action
from the parents of students on the on-time or late waiting list.
Language Classification
A student’s official language classification is determined by the school following enrollment based on the Home Language Survey (HLS).
Inter-District Permits
Once placement has been offered, admitted applicants living outside the boundaries of LA Unified must obtain the Inter-District
Permit. The Office of Permits and Student Transfers is responsible for the review and processing of all inter-district permit requests,
either entering or leaving LA Unified. More information and the link to the Inter-District Permit process can be obtained at the
site or you may contact the Permits Support Line at (213) 584-6862.
Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK)
Some Dual Language Education program schools offer a Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK) program. Please contact individual
schools for age requirements and further information.